miércoles, 31 de diciembre de 2014

Stay true to yourself | Age's just a number

Two days ago I ran into this article. Words cannot describe how much I did identify myself with this. Cause one can be over 20 and still appreciate Mr. Styles, right? One of my 2015 resolutions is to stay true to myself and this is a huge ode to it. This is me: an age chameleon.
"I am an age chameleon. I work Monday through Friday in an office where I am the youngest person by 20 years. After work, I occasionally babysit a variety of children of whom I exceed in mileage by 10 to 25 years. I hang out with people in my own peer group, too — I myself am in my mid-twenties, and yet I can engage with the entire range in flying Reading Rainbow/Somewhere Over the Rainbow/Rainbow Loom colors. See? Generational versatility.
Introduce me to your 8-year-old, and within four minutes I can tell if she’s more of an Anna or an Elsa fan. Wanna build a snowman? Sure. Want to sing The Lego Movie song? Let me just warn you, I know it by heart. One minute I am eating dinosaur-shaped nuggets with a cape on, and the next I am weighing the pros and cons of infant self-soothing sleep techniques on the playground with a group of mothers. 
I went to a Drake vs. Lil’ Wayne concert with my 16-year-old cousins, knew 75% of the songs and bought a t-shirt. At 8 AM the following day, I found myself in a joint-complaint session with a coworker on how hectic it is trying to exit a concert venue because the “kids” don’t pay attention to moving cars – and don’t even get me started on their outfits! WHO LET YOU DRESS LIKE THAT? Oh but I love this song. I love Drake. I’m going to Instagram this. (Hashtag best night ever). 
Once, I chaperoned a One Direction concert, ended up scoringsick floor seats, then cursed out a 10-year-old girl behind her back when she wouldn’t move out of my way. The other night I sat down with my 83-year-old grandfather and had a very earnest conversation regarding the volume level of certain bars. Why does the music have to be that loud?  What is that drug called that is sending everyone to the hospital? I bet they didn’t do that at Frank Sinatra concerts! No they did not, Papa. I found myself at one of those very loud bars a few hours later. I was drug free but asked the deejay to turn up the music way, way up. I requested Demi Lovato. 
I’ve always been this way. Back in my kindergarten modeling days (we’ll talk about that another time), my grandparents came to pick me up from a “shoot.” When they arrived, I was sitting at a table with only adults eating lunch. I told my grandparents to go home because “we were discussing business". Sometimes I wonder if my birth-assigned peers enjoy talking to me, or if they secretly think I’m too young or old for my own good. Until I figure it out, though — and I never may — you can find me reading Fancy Nancy through bifocals, eating Dino Buddies, wishing Murder She Wrote was still on television."
Article via 


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